They are the only person known to create weapons of Meitou quality. If you open up The Hub in the FCS, you should be able to see the recruit list associated with it and opening it, you should be able to see what recruits can spawn and at what chance they spawn. Kenshi: Odyssey builds a comprehensive, well balanced story of Kenshi's post-apocalyptic world and includes original and community content. Disheartened Skeleton is a randomly named Unique Recruit. kuru Nov 14, 2021 @ 4:48pm So I am having a problem where I could recruit all the Veganites except for their leader Yingu. So far I have -. Sadneil is in Black Desert City in the Inn and you just gotta talk to him and go through his dialogue tree to get him to come along. Hesling people wont make them join, freeing people from slavery, they might join you. That’s why I’m going to talk about the best recruitable guys that you can find all over the world of Kenshi - let’s start! 10. Some factions may wait to attack the player faction until the player is a worthy opponent. Showing 1 - 11 of 11 comments. Small herds of goats can usually be found nearby. They are fairly common. Scarred Adventurer is a randomly named Unique Recruit. This gives her the job "Wandering Trader" and has her run around the United Cities forever, as there is no actual farm to return to. Both Ponk and Screamer have a bounty of 20,000 cats and are wanted by the. He is not very good with words so he often mispronounces things, and is highly aggressive. They are usually differentiated by higher quality armor, weapons, and stats, and some will carry Meitou weapons. They wear no armour. Hex is an Outlaw being held prisoner in Tengu's Vault. They can be found in Shark, no matter which faction is in control of The Swamps. This page contains a list of all the zones in Kenshi that I would consider to be mid game zones. They wanted a ransom. Any UC town. eg. He's a hiveless prince hanging out in a noisy bar to quell the sense of loneliness he has from being away from his hive. In game this structure is named "Weapon Smith" but for the purposes of this wiki we will refer it to as the "Weapon Smithing Bench" to avoid confusion with the Weapon Smith skill. Unique Items are items which have no function and can only be found in very specific locations in game. The Flotsam Village is the base of the Flotsam Ninjas and home of Moll, their leader. Just for your info, vanilla game just tosses each of them in one of the twelve generic stat box. Yamdu is unique recruit but you can recruit more of his duplicates. Their HQ is located in the Tower of Abuse. It is located in the center of the Swamp and serves as the center of trade within the marshy land. He spent there a good chunk of his life, which is like 15 years. They also have a chance of spawning in any town controlled by the United Cities, including when the. Recruit Seeking Revenge is a randomly named Unique Recruit. You are guaranteed some to spawn in, ofc, but some simply might not show up at all for an entire playthrough if I'm understanding the wiki correctly. He/She is a farmer who is tired of living so close to the Cannibals and can be recruited by the player for 2,000 Cats. Seto is a Unique Recruit and the daughter of the Shek Kingdom's ruler, Queen Esata the Stone Golem. Tier II defensive wall ramp that allow access to your walls for turret usage. They wear. He is a crazy old man with many stories to tell. Thrall Masters is a bandit faction composed of reprogrammed (enthralled) Skeletons found in Venge, and occasionally in Grey Desert and The Eye. My attempt at a Political map of Kenshi. -cleaned up last stand. You can be a trader, a doctor, a peacekeeper, a business man, an explorer, or a mere slave. That’s why I’m going to talk about the best recruitable guys that you can find all over the world. Silvershade - Adjusted both Lockpicking and Polearms. One day we will have the greatest swordsmiths in the world and blades that can cut a man clean in half with a single cut. Free and a skilled farmer 50 and a skilled labourer 30. He has many lines of unique dialogue in the form of songs and stories. (B) Combat Cleaver - No indoor penalties, but no armor penetration. This character can be found in Eyesocket and Slave Markets. It can be worn on five different parts of the body. You can find it by exploration or by acquiring and reading the Map of the United Cities (Central Territories). Animals are separated into two categories: Fauna and Robots. The. Just makes the places they can more likely to have them. Almost, only those that retain their name and possibly location (s) in each playthrough. After having tried a lot of total conversion incompatible with each other I finally made the choice to use for my mod list the mod 'Universal Wasteland Expansion'. She will leave. The city is under the guise of being run by the Swampers, but you quickly learn the Hounds set up base here and actually call the shots. There only seems to be one or two of each weapon made by Cross that have been found by modern (or still-living ancient) people. This category is a subcategory of World Data. Wall Man is a randomly named Unique Recruit. Black Scratch is a town located in The Outlands region. What helps is: in your group of 9 designate a cook, a scientist, an armorsmith, weaponsmith, 2 or 3 farmers. but I was wondering what alternate ways of gaining people were in the game currently. She can be hired for 2,500 Cats. Edit. They wear no armour. He has a Crazy Personality. 5KB ; 18-- Celebrity Kenshi. Equipment is a set of items equipped to your character. For all others, it will use this faction's default (0). These three are the only recruits (I can think of)who have actual goals that can be accomplished that aren't just being the strongest warrior or fighting people. Soman is a Unique Recruit. Sinklyde is a Unique Recruit imprisoned within Tengu's Vault. mod so make a folder in kenshi/mods/tomato then put the file there. I always found Infinite WingWang rather interesting, and I wanted to have more recruits. Kenshi > General Discussions > Topic Details. " His group was wiped out by a rival gang (called Skull Collectors) and now he. Luquin was imprisoned for murdering one of the nobles in the UC territories. This character has the "Npc HIVER Ronin - Complete Package" dialogue package. Typically, she is found in Fishing Village. This skill is exclusively increased by actively crafting weapons at the bench. They have Bonedogs, Bulls,. The Weapon Smithing stat affects the speed and quality of weapons crafted by the player at a Weapon Smithy. I would also recommend Agnu from the Tower of Abuse, Doctor Chung from the swamps, Hamut the ex-slave, Ray from the slaver bars, Burn from the Floodlands, another Shek such as Kang, Luquin from Tengu's Vault, and at. A United Cities citizen, Cat was dressed very nicely on his way to a date when he was mistaken for a rich person because of his nice clothes. (A) Long Cleaver - Best vs humans, best range. (C) Moon Cleaver - Worse than Long Cleaver. Kenshi > General Discussions > Topic Details. Looks like a real life Gi. The town belongs to the Tech Hunters. He is an ex-smuggler who has an "Eye for shooting. 1/ security spiders - instant tame - high stats. You can recruit him for 9,000 Cats. 42 Unique Recruits is a mod that gives you 42 Unique Recruits. They are an inexperienced person who anxiously threatens the player for looking at them. Yamdu then joins the player faction and Longen promotes Sunida to Noble Squire Supreme. mod file. After that you can open the mod in the FCS. These two combined will cause a character to attack far more often in comparison to normal. A recruit that was available for a brief period around update 0. In FCS, these zones are in the category "Spawn Area". All types of armour are most efficiently stored in Armour Storage (but can also be stored in general. This category includes robotic animals, as they are categorized as animals in FCS and function the same in game. Infinite Wingwang is a Greenlander male that can be found in a bar at the town of Mongrel. If the zone requires you to have at least 10 characters with stats 35+ to survive there then I would consider it to be a mid game zone. None of the buildings can be purchased by the player faction. Scorchlander. . Kenshi is a game where you will eventually have to hire more people if you want to start your outpost or perhaps you lack sufficient skills and you need a professional medic or a thief. Residents complain of nearby Cannibals. There is another 'Zone' simply titled NONE in-game which encompasses a large portion of the game's coast, and the outside areas of the Ashlands. She has a 25,000 Cats Bounty. These armors provide no protection. They have the "Player SKELETON" Dialogue Package. Ruka is a free Unique Recruit. Screamy is an Outlaw being held a prisoner in Tengu's Vault. Their skills are mostly pretty low, but they're cheap and easy to pick up in your first few days of a new game. The village is controlled by the Nomads faction. There is likely only one of each of these items. Her sister Naevia was also a member of the Flotsam Ninjas, but recently "died doing what she loved doing, fighting the Paladins. She costs 7,500 Cats to recruit and can be found in either Eyesocket or Slave Markets in a Slaver Bar. A mod that adds in 10 new diverse, unique recruits spread far and wide throughout the island. This guy absolutely loves walls and wants to build 'em for you. Most other player characters will complain against his constant noise. Does not affect where they can spawn. I'm a murderer now. Kenshi Does Indoor Penalty Apply To Defense You can be a trader, a doctor, a peacekeeper, a business man, an explorer, or a mere slave. Shark. Slave/Ronin. They might be found in Black Scratch, Flats Lagoon,. They have a Brave Personality and after recruited have the. They wear [Shoddy] armour (5% chance of. Until recruited he is a member of the Outlaw faction. She has a Brave personality. The other walled area has 4 Police Stations, a Shek Weapon Shop, a Shek Armoury, a Faction HQ and a couple of ruined. Slave Master Grande is in charge of this location. Most NPCs (including recruits) are randomised, they can be various races and whatever. Description. They have a chance of spawning in any town controlled by the United Cities, including when the location is "malnourished". They all have random names, along with semi-random backstories. Green shares the few unique dialogues he has with others (except for the one thanking you for taking him out of the bar). SteamsteamappscommonKenshidata. She has a Brave Personality. -added the new inherit package to the "hangout in bar". Red is a Unique Recruit. Backpacks normally can't be coloured, but there is an unused (colored) variant that can be re-implemented. The Crab Armor can be noticed as one of the most powerful sets in Kenshi if it wasn't so hard to get hold of. She is a Flotsam Ninja looking to travel. ago Good list. Mud Town, Shark. 659. Kenshi. They have superior hit chances, (2) vision range multiplier as well as (3) healrate when compared to a Skeleton. He has a Traitorous Personality and his own. Specifically, he can be found in a Bar or The Dancing Skeleton in Shark or Mud Town. He will spawn with the Honorable Personality. The craving for food is not unique. It's because he's not flagged as unique, right? Which causes him to respawn once recruited. She loves crabs! She can be hired for 6,000 Cats. Bard has a Traitorous Personality. ago. Kenshi General Modifications Mod. The most distinctive feature of Venge are the laser beams that damage anyone who is not wearing 100% Burn resistance armor (except the Skeletons) with cut damage. It's all downhill from here. Flats Lagoon is a Major Town controlled by the Tech Hunters and therefore has been added to the Tech Hunters Map. Outside of checking said Wiki for other locations they might be found in (particularly if you have other world state changes. I did this to showcase the unique followers as presented, make the game feel more as if you are simply another person wandering Kenshi's roads, and additionally resolve in-game bugs around certain races in the Character Editor. Aside from. Her position was challenged and she lost the duel, lowering her status in Shek society. This is compatible with any mod that adds more dyeable armour since all it does is add a colour scheme to every unique recruit. You just need to find them. Soldier Drone Swordslinger is a randomly named Unique Recruit. Slave Market Master is in charge of the Slave Markets. 7K 56K views 1 year ago #Kenshi #kenshigame #kenshigameplay Ranking all the Unique Recruits you can encounter in the world of kenshi accurately and very. Step 2 : Copy and past in mods. They can be found in Black Scratch, Eyesocket, Flats Lagoon, Slave Markets, Smugglers Bar, any Waystation,. He appears to be a decent martial artist and simply runs off after being freed but can later gain a bounty of 37000 cats. You can find it by exploration or by acquiring and reading the Map. Infinite. All factions can become hostile towards the player if the player attacks unprovoked. Beep Crumblejon Shryke Infinite wingwang Sadneil Ruka Kang. All but the last one require being an Anti-Slaver. (including half my Kenshi files). (Love crabs) Yamdu: Deliver Tinfist to Longen. Recruit is a randomly named Generic Recruit. The different variations generally only affect dialog and Race, although in. The general method of recruitment is to go into bars and talk to the people hanging around. Nomad Animal Trader sells Cornelius for 15,000, but if you talk to his owner, Goat Man, in a nearby Hideout building he will offer you a half off discount! As with all animals, he technically has levels in skills he cannot use. Many of them are missing, (namely Miu, Hamut and Green, possibly others as well). when asked what he is in for by a human player characterPsycho Psycho is an Outlaw being held prisoner in Tengu's Vault. 2 Crab Armor. He has a 30,000 Cats Bounty. Here are the locations of the weapons which are of Meitou. Gis. Headshot is a Unique Recruit. Espher because southern hiver, Ray and Agnu because real killers move in silence. Skeletons from the Black Desert City produce blades solely for personal use, however it's inevitable that some eventually end up in circulation. Despite being a unique recruit, Sinklyde does not seem to have any unique dialogue. Yamdu does not have any special dialogue as a player character. Books. When you go to Characters>Crumblejon for example, either right click and pick List References or open their character sheet and choose Show References to see hows it's done for that particular unique character. arrasas 2 yr. SPOILER. The skill also determines critical chance - the chance to create a weapon one model higher than normally allowed. Imprisonment is Defense Tech which allows the player to construct their own Prisoner Cages . They can be bought at Trade Goods Shops and occasionally found in some ancient locations.